Tuesday, June 11, 2019

New SVOLDER Interview June 2019

As the PC scene police and cry babies everywhere have been increasingly loud about, Anti Christian and Satanic lyrics and aesthetics are perfectly fine in Black Metal, but attacking Islam or Judaism in a similar fashion is TOTALLY reprehensible. One band to piss in the face of this idea is Canada's SVOLDER. The band's 2014 debut LP, "Desecration of the Five Holy Pillars" was one hell of a first album, packed with killer riffs and excellent songwriting. That album was also a massive fist in the face of Allah, and a "fuck you" to anyone trying to tame Black Metal's inherently hateful nature. Since then the band was part of a 4 way split in  2017 with A.M.S.G., HOSTIUM, & ARROGANCE that was also a beast of an album. However, other than the 2 tracks on that split the band has been pretty quiet for a while, so what better time to hear from guitarist/frontman/songwriter, The Prophet Muhammad, than right now. Sadly, we're about a week late from publishing this on the final day of Ramadan.
Gaping Throats now proudly presents our interview with The Prophet Muhammad of  SVOLDER...

Gaping Throats: What's up with SVOLDER these days? The first album was killer and you followed up with your portion of the 4 way split with HOSTIUM, A.M.S.G. and ARROGANCE. New full length perhaps?

The Prophet Muhammad: Yeah. We just finished recording it actually. It's in the mixing stage now. Theres about fifteen hundred miles between me and the other band members, so organizing ourselves and finding the time to do this has been a struggle. 

GT: Do you guys have a title for the new album yet?

TPM:  SHAHADA is what we have been calling it for 4 to 5 years now. Almost every song that was written around the time of that name's first usage has been purged from the repertoire. There was probably enough material for an entire album, but not a very good one. I think the name will stick, even though it primarily describes the A Side, which we've been referring to for a while now as "side Camel".

GT: In the past, you've worked with Totenkopf Propaganda, Iron Bonehead, and Darker Than Black. Do you guys have a label behind this one, or do you guys plan to self release it?

TPM: We have a label lined up - I can't remember if I'm allowed to announce it right now.

GT: Do you have an intended release date at this point, or a general idea of when fans can expect it to become available?

TPM: There's no deadlines and no set release date, but judging by where things are currently, a 2019 release is possible - probable even.

GT: The first album was released on cassette, CD, digital, and vinyl, and then the 4 way split was vinyl only, I believe. Do you hope or plan to have the new album available on all those formats as well? Do you have a preferred format, as an artist or as a fan? 

TPM: It'll eventually be available on all formats. Vinyl and CD are first priority and are what we have agreed to with the label. I'll find somewhere to post the digital files, even if it is a series of bandcamp burner accounts - it really is ridiculous that I have to do that.

My preferred format is a WAV or FLAC file, which is lossless audio and doesn't hiss, pop or require flipping. I know it is soulless compared to analog, but I'm not interested in listening to the device I'm listening to music on or performing a precise and elaborate ritual to make the music play. CDs would be my preference, but they scratch up too easily and I never put them back in the right case. High agency Aryan right here, I know...

GT: Is the lineup still the same, you guys still a 3 piece?

TPM: We're still a three-piece band, but we have a new drummer on the upcoming release. Our first drummer was an absolute machine behind the kit, but ideologically not on the same page. It would not have been right for him to continue with us, given the direction this band was / is heading. As far as I know, there is no bad blood.

GT: Any live shows or touring plans in mind once the new album is released? Are you a fan of playing live?

TPM: The "Please Bomb These Bars" tour of 2020. No - until there are reliable venues for us to play, such a thing isn't even on the table. We would, however, consider playing a festival like Asgardsrei or Hot Shower if the logistics and scheduling worked out. Nothing is planned at the moment.

GT: In the past, there hasn't been a lot of SVOLDER merch available. I believe Behold Barbarity did a small run of shirts at one time, and maybe there were some patches? Any plans to make shirts, patches, etc more available to fans who would like to rep the band?

TPM: Behold Barbarity did some shirts a few years ago on a very limited run... With things picking up again, it is about time to get more printed of that design as well as a new one, once we have decided on the album art for album #2. Thanks for the reminder.

GT: With regards to the band in general, but also specifically with a new record and possible merch coming do you think you guys will be setting up an online site for the band with a merch store and such or would you prefer to move stuff via distros and such as you've largely done in the past?

TPM: The labels and distros do a much better job than I ever could, without devoting myself to it properly, anyway.  We could conceivably set up a website in the future, but I'm not sure what purpose it would serve. I've always liked the idea of offering the songs for free online, so I suppose it could be used for that, now that Bandcamp has given us the axe. I'll see if the other guys care to endeavour into the world of sales, which I personally have zero interest in.

GT: So far the band's output has been solely dedicated to pissing on Islam. I assume this will continue to be the band's primary focus lyrically and thematically. What made you decide to take that route? Antichristian BM has become too passe or do you feel Islam is a bigger threat at the moment?

TPM: A wise man one said that "...a man should not engage in public political activity before his thirtieth year. He should not do so, because up to this time, as a rule, he is engaged in molding a general platform, on the basis of which he proceeds to examine the various political problems and finally establishes his own position on them."

Truly, I did not have a good understanding of the political battle that exists beneath the facade "blue vs red" pseudo-democracy when I wrote "Desecration of the Five Holy Pillars". It was an honest and guttural response to watching my culture being washed away and replaced under the red banner of "strength of diversity". It is not natural to live in this environment.

None of these foreigners have the intelligence, the coordination, or the resources to invade Western lands like this. They are pawns of the diaspora - an effective method of creating disharmony, destroying social cohesion and removing our ability to effectively control our own nations. The aristocracies of Europe are completely destroyed and the last small hurdle for the Zionists is to exploit the framework of democracy. Does anybody believe that all Western borders just magically opened, simultaneously, for these ragged savages? For the lightbulb-headed Somalis to come in and abuse the social systems? To loiter in the parks and public squares, selling drugs to children and sexually assaulting our European women? Of course not.

For this reason, it is impossible for Svolder to continue on a purely Anti-Islam path. It is more of a two-headed dog now and two heads is enough; regarding your question on Anti-Christianity. Historically, "Anti-Christ" has always been a Jewish thing, so I assume that behind the scary Satanic stagenames of half of these E-minor-all-album black metal bands, we will find bergs, baums, and steins. No surprise that half of them have the holy number 6 inscribed all over their logos and album art. I won't be doing the tribe's dirty work for them by engaging as an anti-Christ.

GT: Another interesting thing to me about SVOLDER vs some other bands that are anti Islamic, your lyrics are exceptionally well done and show a great deal of knowledge on Islam, its tenets, its history, the ideology, etc, where as some bands just come with variations of "fuck islam". Were you already pretty well read or studied on the subject prior to starting the band or was it something once you committed to the concept of the band you had to do more to "know your enemy", so to speak?

TPM: They don't teach you about the Qur'an, the Hadith, or the history behind the Shia Sunni split on Game of Thrones. I'm only well-read in Islam if compared to your average westerner who knows nothing about anything. Even when they do read a book it is storytime hour with some gay author (who always has a pozzed narrative in the sub-text) that allows them to continue their escape into fairytale land. To fully know and understand this tribe and religion, you would have to be raised in it and live by its laws. I'm honestly quite sick of reading about it, though it is interesting sometimes.

To answer your question though, I had music written for a while but no lyrics to go with it. As I read into Islam, for interest's sake, the two melded together in an organic way. I ditched a lot of the older music and wrote new material with that "middle eastern" sound, which many attribute to GBK, and they are not totally wrong in saying that.

GT: I'm sure you guys have dealt with some backlash from PC folks and hardline leftists, so what's your take on their seemingly growing presence in the Extreme Metal scene?

TPM: Are they present in the extreme metal scene? Or do they exist on the fringes yet receive all of the attention? Every time one of these anti-fascists weaklings makes a record it sounds contrived. It sounds like objectively untalented diarrhea shit. Of course, it gets all the praise for "fighting the good fight against fascists" with absolutely no criticism from these (((journalists))) for how utterly derivative and shitty it is.

When I was more naive, I thought that maybe this spineless metal scene would actually have the balls to tell these infiltrators with their age old tactics to get the fuck out of here. But no - It has been apology this and forgive me that, by "career musicians" who want to tour the world until they die and stand for nothing while they do it.

I have never had any issues with ANTIFA or PC idiots because I have never apologized or tried to prove that I am not a racist. This is the weakness which many people have and which the left knows how to exploit. All the words that they call me, I am. Now what? I understand that in Europe, they are more coordinated and more willing to engage in violence, but these people are not strong. 3 Nazis could take out 30 ANTIFA any day.

GT: Aside from SJWs, have you guys had any backlash, threats, etc from actual Muslims? As we have seen in recent years, Muslims often dont take criticism particularly well, and often murder or at least threaten to murder people who criticize them. Especially so when they feel Allah is being mocked. Have you dealt with that at all?

TPM: Nothing. The worst was when one referred to us as "Satanic", which I personally felt was very insulting. Since leaving Toronto, I no longer have much interaction with these dark-coloured folk unless I need to take a taxi cab somewhere, so the worst I might get is an e-threat. The other members in Svolder would be more likely to see acid flung in their faces or come home after work and find their house pets sodomized to death.

GT: SVOLDER and some other bands that espouse anti Islam or other views offensive to PC folks are often lumped in with NSBM, despite not actually promoting National Socialism. Do you think these bands that express so called "intolerance" should be grouped together in this fashion or do you think they should remain more distinct?

TPM: Speaking poorly of Islam is hardly a deviation from the status quo. I don't think that being anti-Islam connects you in any way with National Socialism. It's mostly to the contrary, actually. There were Muslims who fought alongside Hitler, even.

After this interview / album there is not a chance of us not having the NSBM tag associated with our name and I embrace it, despite finding it redundant. Black Metal has this ideology at its core. NSBM should just be called Black Metal. Whatever Cascadian hipster poofsterisms came afterwards should get their own titles, like "Pink Black Metal" or "Only-Sounds-Like Black Metal".

GT: Aside from the growing contingent in Metal, there has been much more push from the left in society and politics in general recently. What's your take on the political and social landscape in Canada?

TPM: 150 years and we are already referring to ourselves as a post-nation. It sure looks to be over. How on Earth could a country rack up so much debt in such a short period of time.. Hmm...

At this point, the chaos of this nonsensical equality babble, which Canada is at the forefront of, is manifesting itself in hilarious ways. If you want to remain sane, all you can do is laugh at this circus of non-offending paedophiles, transexual book clubs for children, disgusting fat intersectional feminists with purple hair, the massive rise of diagnosed mental disorders and their respective medications (international drug dealer industry), the hormone replacement therapy for transexual children, men competing as women in sports, or whatever other diabolical cancers our country promotes as holy in this new age religion. As a sidenote - If I were an edgy Satanist black metal retard, I would be singing the praises of these abominations instead of drawing women getting fisted by goats. You guys are really dropping the ball.

I don't have much to say on our national politics as I don't vote and don't follow the petty turf wars of orange vs blue vs red. The modern incarnation of the conservative party would have been seen as far left extremists in the political landscapes of yore. Fuck them. If you vote for them, you are part of the problem.

GT: What's your take on BM in general these days, both in Canada, as well as world wide?

TPM: I hardly follow it. The other members could give you a better response. I read in your other interview that Arghoslent may have some new material, so there is finally something to be excited about.

GT: Do you have any other current projects/bands that people should be aware of? I know you had INTOLERANCE, is that still active?

TPM: Intolerance has no plans at the moment. It may resurface one day. There is one other project occupying much of my time.

GT: Thanks for taking the time to do this, any last words, statements, etc? The space is yours...

TPM: Sure thing.. There's a reason that Henry Ford paid to have 500,000 copies of "The Protocols of The Learned Elders of Zion" printed and distributed in the United States. It is not a forgery. It is only 45 pages long. Read it or listen to the audio book.

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